Dr. Evil: Gentlemen, I have a plan. It’s called 1)blackmail. As you know, the Royal Family of Britain are the wealthiest 2)landowners in the world. Either the Royal Family pays us an 3)exorbitant amount of money, or we make it seem that Prince Charles has had an 4)affair outside of marriage and, therefore... would have to divorce. (There is an uncomfortable silence.) Number Two: Hm, hm. Prince Charles did have an affair. He admitted it, and they are now divorced. Dr. Evil: Right, O.K. 5)People, you have to tell me these things. All right, I’ve been frozen for thirty years, O.K.? Throw me a 6)freakin’ bone here. I’m the boss... Need the info! O.K., no problem. Here’s my second plan. Back in the sixties, I had developed a weather changing machine which was 7)in essence a 8)sophisticated heat beam, which we called a ‘laser.’ Using this lasers, we punch a hole in the protective layer around the world, which we called the ‘Ozone Layer.’ Slowly but surely, 9)ultraviolet rays would 10)pour in, increasing the risk of 11)skin cancer, that is, unless the world pays us a 12)hefty 13)ransom. (There is another uncomfortable silence.) Number Two: Hm, hm, hm, umm. That also already has happened. Dr. Evil: Shit! Oh, hell, let’s just do what we always do. 14)Hijack some nuclear weapons and 15)hold the world hostage.